Where to find us

Where to find us

One of our favourite things to do with Second Cashmere is hosting or attending events where we get to meet our wonderful community and welcome new faces. Throughout the year we host pop up shops, alongside attending markets and other events to bring our collections to people all over the country.
So, if you'd like to come and meet Emily and Lotti, take a look at our collections or simply learn more about what we do and why, we have our full list of events below.
If you have any questions regarding where we'll be or if you'd like to host us, don't hesitate to say hi, our email is hello@secondcashmere.com.

February 2025

  • Maeve Edinburgh Pop Up Shop

    Sun 23 Feb 24: 11am - 4pm

    45-47 Barclay Pl, Edinburgh EH10 4HW